EZ Recipes

Chad’s Wednesday Wellness Tip

How do you like your Hummus?

Twenty years ago, hummus was an outlier in the American diet – something for those “strange” people doing yoga (also not too popular at the time). Today, you’ll find hummus in 1 out of every 4 consumer refrigerators. Healthy? Yup. Tasty? You bet! Commercial hummus is great in a pinch, but homemade hummus is easy, cheap, and nutritionally well worth the effort. Go beyond veggies and dip and try these exceptional varieties:
  1. Thin hummus with lemon juice and olive oil, then use it as a creamy salad dressing or toss with cooked pasta, tomatoes and herbs.
  2. Use it like beans. For example - classic British beans on toast. Try spreading hummus on toasted wheat bread. Drizzle with olive oil and top with crumbled feta cheese, sunflower seeds, or chopped chives.
  3. Hummus has an advantage over regular cooked chickpeas and beans in that it can be spread like a condiment on burger buns, sandwiches, and wraps. It’s delicious with roasted vegetables too.

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